Thursday, June 19, 2008

He did it again

Each time I ask Jesus for His provision for our adoption and that I may "see" His work He has shown up and done it!

As of last week we needed $60 to turn in our paperwork to CAC to continue our journey for our baby. I prayed and last Thursday Matt called and said he just was given $30 for our little one. Yesturday I asked for the rest and in the mail came $30 with a note saying, "I pray this will help in God's plan for our baby girl!!" Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers and being so faithful. On May 31st, we had a fund raiser to raise support for the adoption costs and God showed up! It was a night we had been eagerly awaiting and all the ideas I had about how it would be went out the window. The Lord was in contol, not me! Originally, it was planned fo a venue at a church and we had invited about 150 people. Then after a small response we moved it to our home. Through that transition, Matt and I disussed what we really wanted the night to be about. Our conclusion was that we needed PRAYER! So we all gathered, all 16 of us and prayed for our baby girl, our family, the birth mom, and for the Lord's will to be done. He is so kind and the prayer time was sweet--we even had it recored for us to hear in the furture. On top of that we receieved many monetary gifts that helped us get enough $ to turn in our papers to CAC! I rejoiced in the Lord's faithfulness and love for our family. He did it again...he showed up and loved all over me!!!!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I love it! His perfection. Exactly what you need NOW... no more, no less. Teaching each one of us that we can trust His leadership and His goodness!

I tell you, He often does it just this way... $30 at a time, exactly when we have need of it.