Thursday, October 2, 2008

Once again...

Tuesday, we were asked to pray for a little baby boy who may be up for adoption soon and we said yes! We are willing to walk as the Lord leads and if he has a little boy for us before a daughter, then we would LOVE it! The whole situation is in our prayers. ;-)

We have now been presented to three situations and have not been selected for them. This has been really hard for me. It feels like constant pins and needles or standing on the edge and not knowing what is going to happen next! My heart is for my baby and I know that God knows who it is. The wait is hard and I long to have our child home and with us. Is it possible to want to be with someone you have never met? I guess so because that is where I am. I cannot wait to hold, kiss, pray for, take care of and be with our baby. Oh, Lord, please help me today.

For those of you who are wondering I have not figured out how to get pics of my men on this who blog thing, but one day I hope to!


Lori said...

Praying for you! I know exactly how you feel. It's so nice to be able to connect with people who are experiencing he same emotions as we are. It's hard but the end result will b great!

Lori said...

Hey! I was thinking about you and thought I would stopby to tell you that I am praying for you!